Harmax Airoller by Muzeen & Blythe

Customize your Harmax Airoller systems to meet your needs

Drop Station

This unique station allows the carriage to be lowered to floor level for easy loading and unloading.

Roll Prep Station

The roll prep station can be added to allow speedy preparation of mill rolls and damaged rolls before the rolls reach the mill stand for a more efficient process.

Lift Station

The lift station allows continuous roll squaring and preparation of the mill rolls for high-speed corrugators and short runs.

Roll Pusher

The roll pusher sits below floor level until actuated by a pneumatic piston. It can be mounted at any location along a track for 90 degree roll removal in either direction.


Custom made inflatable nudgers and backstops eliminate the costly and potentially unsafe manual process of lining up smaller rolls to mill stands.

Turn Station

Turn stations can be added for 90 degree turns, quick removal of butt rolls and easy transfer to continuous track.

Continuous Track

Continuous track and conveyor systems are also available for plants that need even faster mill roll handling systems.

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